Small Update

Been teaching myself tunisian crochet so only worked on the leopard for a few hours today, not that you can tell :p

This looks really light on my screen, but the actual image is on a dark brown board. Might have to do a bit of editing once its completed so the colours are more true.


  1. Never heard of tunisian crochet so it was interesting to follow your link.

    Leopard looks great - the background looks terracotta colour on my monitor?

    1. thanks sue :)
      hmm might have to resort to taking a photo of it once its done, that seems to be closer to the right colours. now if only it will stop raining :p

  2. Tunisian Crochet! Love it. You must post a picture. I've made a flower bag (I hate making useless swatches, so I turned it into a garden item). I love it with variegated yarns, which makes it look like woven fabric.
    PS. My screen is light too, as it looks like raw sienna lightened. The eyes rock.

    1. going to have to try some variegated yarn, i find it much easier then normal crochet lol

      thanks :)

  3. I'm loving this leopard! :D

  4. Looks wonderful so far, even if the brown board is looking like terracotta/raw sienna lightened to the rest of us. :-) Gotta love descriptive artists!

    1. thanks teresa :) scanner setting are going to be the death of me :p


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