Derwent Watercolour Paper with Coloured Pencils

Sue was very nice and sent me a few sheets of the Derwent Watercolour paper to try. I glad I didn't buy any. It could be because I was using polychromos and they are a harder pencil, but I don't really like the paper for coloured pencils. Its hard to get layers to build up, and it took way too long to get to the above image compared to even using matte board.The colours look very washed out, and they don't bend that well.

 I am going to try some softer pencils on it probably tomorrow, and watercolour which should work better since it is watercolour paper.


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    Hope you're travelling well and 2013 has been good to you so far. It's so exciting to see your exquisite art evolving each day.
    I'm just popping in to let you know about a little #reverb-like blog challenge my friend Meredith and I are offering from August 21 to 31. It's called August Moon and it looks all set to be magic!
    We'd be so excited if you joined us. You can find out more here:
    Take care,
    Kat xx

  2. Hi Jennifer
    That's why its nice to be able to try different pencils/supports before splashing out isn't it. Interested to see what you think when using waxier pencils.

    I used this paper for one of my entries into the UKCPS exhibition (the little Yorkie dog) and used Derwent pencils which are wax rather than oil based.

    1. I tried watercolour pencils on it the other day, and the pencils seemed to lay down better, so I think the harder pencils were the problem :)

  3. That's a great eye. You do eyes so well. I do love watercolour pencils, but I have never used the proper paper. Not me personally, but my class at school!!


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