Showing posts from March, 2014
Scratch Scratch Scratch
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For the last 2 days I have done nothing but watch Youtube videos and play Civilization 5, and you know I am really sick when I don't get any art done :p I did manage before I got sick to get a small part of this etching done, (technically drypoint I know, but more people know what an etching is then what drypoint means). I want to try to get this finished in the next few days *crosses fingers*
Finished Owl??
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Might still need to darken some areas that look a little flat, but going to put it away for a few days before I change anything. I already did this picture in coloured pencils, but was never 100% happy with it, so I thought why not try an etching since I still like the photo. Needs work, but really liking how its looking. Better build a press soon, going to have a lot of plates to print :p
Flying Rat
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Slowly adding more colour to the gull :) I know a lot of people that call them flying rats, and at a lot of the places I grew up they were called shit hawks :p Yes, they can be a pain in many ways, (stealing fries and ice cream from people), but I've always liked them. Then again I like birds of all kinds.
So far....
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things are going Ok with this. I tend to be very very loose with watercolours, which is odd because I am a detail freak when it comes to pencils :p With watercolours I prefer the pans rather then using tubes of paint. Mostly because I find I can transport the pans easier and I tend not to make a huge mess like I can do with tubes of paint. I need more colours tho, you can never have too many :p Hurry up student loan payment, (not until next month :/)
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well sort of. Drawing lineart isn't the issue. The problems start when I either try to fill in the image :/ *crossing fingers* that tomorrow I manage to get some colour down on this. And I think I am determined to end up back in A&E. 1. Hit my face with a shelf board on Sunday, swelled and bruised but the doctors saw me today and said thats normal for anyone that got hit with a shelf :p and the jaw joint is fine so that is good. 2. Dropped the corner of a drawing board on my foot today...ow 3. A sewing needle got lodged in my foot half an inch...ow Hoping nothing happens tomorrow :p
Art Slump??
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Well, I don't think I would call this past week an art slump, but nothing I try to do seems to be turning out right. I have had to start and stop so many drawings its not funny. This didn't turn out either, way too out of practice drawing men. I used ink pens again tho, and I do like the effect you get when you wet them, so will keep experimenting and trying out different papers with them.
Pelicans #1
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Lineart for a lino cut :) I want to add more then one colour to the print, but I really have no luck when it comes to reduction printing. I know all about registration, but printing in many colours just never works for me. Maybe I am just supposed to stick to etching lol hmmm 2 or more colours in etching?...
Bosse #3
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Half done :) The paper isn't grey, but I actually like the way it looks, might have to find grey paper to draw on. At the beginning of the week I had a migraine from hell :/ Made it extremely hard to do anything and next time my vision gets all fuzzy/flashy, I will pump pain killers to try to stop or slow the migraine down. Haven't had a migraine that bad for a long time, not sure if its stress or chocolate. And I keep telling myself, no more chocolate, but I never listen to myself :p but this time I have to listen to myself because that was bloody painful. Chocolate taste so much better here then in Canada tho lol
Numb Hand
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I really wanted to get the basic etching done on this today so that I could then go back and add more shading where needed, but my hand went numb. And its probably not a good idea to use a sharp pointy object when you can't feel anything past your wrist :p Hopefully get it finished tomorrow, and also I hope to have Bosse done :)
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No, Sky didn't roll in any more fox pop and thankfully you don't get Skunks here, but I had forgotten how much masking fluid smells :p Haven't used it for awhile and since I will probably use it for some sections on a painting for college, thought I should play around before I have to use it for something important. So this is just a small test piece, trying out colour combinations at the same time. Might as well kill 2 birds with one stone, need to look up where that phrase comes from.
February Book Wrap-Up
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5 books read in the month of February, not bad, but not that good. I def. read more in the summer when I can sit outside in the sun and zone out reading :) Raven's Tears by Michael Matson My rating: 2 of 5 stars Let me start off by saying I have no problem with erotic sex scenes in a book, if that is one way to show how two people feel about each other, its not a problem, or even just a sex scene just to try to spice up a story is fine. The problem I have is when I find the scenes more funny then sexy. When they read like badly written fan fiction, the scenes tend to distract you from the rest of the story, rather then entice. I actually really enjoyed the theft part of the story a lot, that was well written and interesting. Reading about the actual theft was great and fast paced. Like a lot of thefts in stories, you know how an item was stolen, the interesting part is reading how the story characters figure out the theft. It was a good idea, and added a nice little twis...