And Then there Were 2


Started to add the second bird :) Going to have to darken the bird in the background to push him/her behind the front bird, but want to wait until more of the front bird is done.

The plate for the last eagle I did was ruined...actually melted :p Cleaned it with carb-cleaner, reacted to the plastic and thankfully no one here smokes because lets just say um...there would have probably been a fire if someone did,(napalm o.0). Good to know not to do that again lol


  1. I love this etching, just gorgeous. Interesting about the plate reaction to the cleaner. Sounds nasty.

    1. thank jeanette :) it was a really odd reaction, and stunk :p

  2. The plate was made of clear polystyrene....
    unbeknown to me...polystyrene dissolves in gasoline and similar chemicals (turns into a goo due to the formation of covalent bonds....something I *vaguely* remember from highschool chemistry)
    Said goo is essentially very similar to Napalm-B, as dropped on Vietnam etc...only difference was the use of carb cleaner instead of gasoline and benzene...
    (Seemingly an old workshop prank was sending an apprentice fetch some gasoline in a polystyrene cup from the other side of the factory and telling him not to spill any - result one rapidly melting cup....)

  3. Napalm-B also will burn for up to 10 minutes (!!!) and hit temps in the thousands of degrees Celsius....scary stuff, albeit reasonably difficult to ignite (US invented it due to a spate of "accidents" due to troops smoking near stockpiles of Napalm-A (far far easier to ignite, albeit burns for only 10 to 20seconds....albeit seriously hot)

  4. Ooh! A science lesson hidden in the comments, Easter Eggs for geeks, cool--thanks Mr Fuzzy.
    But Jennifer, you must be bummed about the loss of your art and hours.
    Two eagles looks great.

    1. well, you would think I would be bummed, but I am just glad it wasn't a bigger plate and I know for next time :) accidents happen in art, at least this time no one was hurt
      and thanks :)

  5. Well now, you learn something every day. Like not be very careful what you clean with! Lucky nothing came to harm besides the plate.


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