The Never Ending Eagle....

Looks half done, but nope. After I put the main feathers in, I need to go back and add shading. I added a bit of shading already to the eye area, just to see what it might look like, and its looking OK so far.

I am very tempted to sandwich this between wood and have the car drive over it to print it :p I'm a bit impatient and can't wait to build the press :p I know some people have done that before and as long as the wood is thick enough it should work. My luck I would end up with 30 pieces of an eagle, which might actually look all right....


  1. I would have never thought to use a car for anything like that o.O
    I can't wait till you get a press too cause all these plates look freaking amazing!!

    1. thank you :)

      sometimes people use steamrollers to print :p

  2. This this wonderful. Love it

  3. I was about to say "yes, go for it" until I read "30 pieces of eagle", so maybe not. Maybe put a few scratches in a scrap, and test that?

    1. i would probably test it first,...depending on how impatient i was ;p


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