July Book Wrap-Up

So, before the read-a-thon I managed to read 7 other books, which means I am 7 books ahead of my goal of 80 books read this year. If I don't get to 80 that is OK, still read over 50 books which is not bad :)
 I have still been drawing, I just read when I can't sleep, (which is a very frequent occurrence :/).

A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady TrentA Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent by Marie Brennan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Needed more dragons :p

The Strain (The Strain Trilogy, #1)The Strain by Guillermo del Toro
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

From reading reviews of this book I was expecting something that while I might not be scared. I would at least feel a little creeped out. I almost didn't make it past the first 50 pages, I found it so boring and predictable. The story uses every horror novel trope out there and not in an original way. I couldn't even say I enjoyed it in the way you do when watching a bad cheesy horror movie, the book is just way too slowly paced and poorly written. I don't think I will be continuing with this series unless I really can't find anything else to read.

Noughts & Crosses (Noughts & Crosses, #1)Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

this is kinda hard to review without spoiling things, at least I think it is. Very fast read, the main characters I thought were well written, the secondary characters not so much. Saw the ending coming a mile away, but still didn't want it to happen.

Knife Edge (Noughts & Crosses, #2)Knife Edge by Malorie Blackman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

hmmm not as enjoyable as the first, I didn't like main characters very much. One is just an ass and the other is all whoa is me, and really she does have more than enough reasons to be depressed, I just found her storyline poorly written. There are times when you think yes, she is going to grow up, try to change what is going on in at least her and her kids life, but then she does something that makes you want to shake her and you start thinking she is more of an idiot then you thought. onto the next one in the series with hope it doesn't get any worse....

Checkmate (Noughts & Crosses, #3)Checkmate by Malorie Blackman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

What happened with this series? It started out so promising, and this was so boring :/


Double Cross (Noughts & Crosses, #4)Double Cross by Malorie Blackman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Should have just stopped with the first one. What started out on as an interesting take on racism for young readers, turned into a badly written soap opera with a mob story thrown into the mix :/

Star Smashers of the Galaxy RangersStar Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers by Harry Harrison
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This has to be one of the most ridiculous stories I have read in a long time. But its ridiculous in a good way :p


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