Day 5

Day 5 of 5 and its more etchings, and brds of  course :p


  1. Wonderful, Jennifer - have you been let loose in the printmaking studio at uni yet?

    1. nope :/ wouldn't be until next year and would need to be taking certain courses to take the modules to use the room. might be worth asking if I could take those modules if I end up taking something that normally doesn't have them

  2. You might get the opportunity for a try out in spring (unless things have changed, which is possible), you definitely should be allowed to use it, you have ink running through your veins, lol!

    1. we are trying out different things now, but don't think with what I chose I will get to use the print studio :/ I'm with IED for 4 weeks and then communication design for 2, then we have a 4 week project but we haven't heard anything about that yet so don't know what I will choose


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