Life Drawing

I really need to practice life drawing. We got very few classes this year, and I am so out of practice.So when Jeanette posted some life drawing drawings on her Facebook page I asked her where she was getting the practice videos from. She told me she was using videos on Youtube, Croquis Cafe. Went to have a look and they are very useful You have at least a couple 1 minute poses, 2 minute poses, and then 5 minute poses.

I need more practice, but I have lots of time left in the summer to improve :)

All 1 minute poses, I can see a bit of comic book influence in these, but that might just be me.

And a 5 minute pose, with odd foreshortening which messed me up.


  1. I don't think so - there is no comic book influence here. These are great!!

    1. thanks :)

      a comic book influence isn't a bad thing, been reading a lot of comics lately so if there is an influence thats probably why. :) either way thank you :)

  2. It is a great resource that I use fairly regularly when life class isn't available. Any drawing practice is good practice.

    You got a lot of information down in 1 minute. Excellent!

    1. I think I got so much info down is because a lot of the models we had at college would never get back into the same pose after a break so had to learn to draw fast to get as much down in 20 minutes as I could. hence the really scratchy look :)

  3. Life drawing is incredibly hard. You've done amazingly here for such short durations.

    1. thanks :D

      I had forgotten how draining life drawing can be, messes with your brain concentrating so much :p

  4. Wow! I'm really impressed. I haven't done life drawing but have been thinking I should try. Never thought there might be videos for that as well. Thanks for the idea! And thanks for visiting my blog & commenting my Summer of Color pieces. That's how I found your blog in the first place!

    1. hi :) you should try life drawing, can be hard at first but once you practice with it and find a method of working that suits you, it can be a lot of fun.

      Your welcome, you look like you are having fun with the gelli plate, which I need to use more :)

  5. These are great... a couple of years ago, my son and I spent a couple weeks to a month doing quick timed drawings from poses we found on a site online. they really do improve a persons looking ability. we really enjoyed it. Looks like you did too.

    1. thank you :)

      thats great you and your son practiced together, it can be a lot more enjoyable when you are drawing with other people rather than all alone :)


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