365 Sketches #15

Decided for this weeks sketches I would sketch some of the tools that are laying around, and really I wont run out of tools to sketch if I wanted to draw them again later on.

There wasn't a fire extinguisher in the house or garage, and when welding thats not a good thing. John isn't welding in the house lol, its outside, but still should have a fire extinguisher. Now we have 2, which we hopefully wont have to use.


  1. Great quick sketch! Love how the lines give it movement, even though it's a stationary object :)

  2. Wonderful sketch! Definitely a good thing to have around and hopefully never need to use!

    1. thank you Lisa :) def. don't want to have to use it

  3. Love the sketch. - not your everyday subject.
    I have painted one...still have it!

    1. thanks Julie :) should post your painting for throwback thursday :)

  4. Love the sketch. - not your everyday subject.
    I have painted one...still have it!

  5. This is a great sketch!

  6. It's a funny idea to sketch the fire extinguisher and a really great idea to collect sketches with those kimd of tools so that you have them available for a later drawing. I like your sketch very much!


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