Sunday Sketches

Finished the dragon sketch last night which is great because I can hardly move my right arm. And that could be anything, from my fall last week or its just irritated again. Typing is fun lol typing with just a left hand is hard lol

And more mess with markers on Yupo paper. Still experimenting with the paper so not everything goes to plan.


  1. The dragon is fantastic and the bird is lovely. I hope your arm feels better soon. One handed typing is definitely a challenge!

  2. beautiful sketches, sorry about your right arm though, gosh.

  3. Your dragon is very handsome as is your Yupo bird.
    Glad you can type. Please heal quickly, Jennifer...

  4. your sketches today are great! sorry to hear about your arm. hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. Your sketches are fantastic, but that must have been so difficult with having a fall. I hope you are recovering and feeling better soon :D

  6. Wonderful sketches, Jen, but sorry to hear your arm is playing up on you. I hope you're not in too much pain and that it eases soon. I remember having to type with my left hand after carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand...not easy at all.

  7. thanks Lisa :) i'm just glad Idon't have a big keyboard

    thanks Chris :)

    thank you alarmcat :)

    thanks Neesie :) should feel ok in a week ive been told

    thanks Serena :) takes forever to type anything out lol


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