Weekly Book Wrap Up

Still reading War and Peace, pg 687 so nowhere near finished lol

Draplin Design Co.: Pretty Much EverythingDraplin Design Co.: Pretty Much Everything by Aaron James Draplin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So full of colour :) Nicely printed photos and a good show of work he did when younger to until now with an over view of his life and working career. The book is written like how he speaks, so if you haven't listened to any of his talks, might be a good idea to so that you know the style and language you are going to read so you will know if the book is for you or not.

View all my reviews

Jennifer's bookshelf: currently-reading

The Lie Tree
tagged: currently-reading
In Cold Blood
tagged: currently-reading
War and Peace
tagged: currently-reading


2017 Reading Challenge

2017 Reading Challenge
Jennifer has read 13 books toward her goal of 40 books.


  1. Four out of five stars is a pretty good recommendation - looks interesting.
    Can't believe you're reading War and Peace.

    Happy Easter, Jennifer Rose!

  2. Sounds like a book to look out for.

    You're so ambitious with your reading list. I rarely have time to read. I try at bed time but invariably fall asleep in minutes with the book open.

  3. It sounds like a good book, thanks for the review!

  4. Chris, I am actually enjoying War and Peace a lot, just need to find more time to finish it. Happy Easter to you too :)

    Jeanette, I wish I had more time to read actually but uniwork gets in the way lol. I find that since I got my tabled and read books on my phone, I do read more because I don't have to carry around a big book (war and peace for example lol) at least you know what to do if you have trouble sleeping, try reading :)

    Lisa, its a good book if a person has any interest in graphic design or likes colourful things lol :)


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