Website Update

I started this a long time ago but really need to get it finished. There are 3 looped body parts to do on different layers for the idea I have for my website. It will either work or crash and burn lol

The basic black outline is easy, its the colouring that is tedious, another reason this is taking forever. The plan this weekend is to try to get it finished so I can put the site together. At least Muse, even tho it can be temperamental sometimes, it is easy to use.


  1. Digital? Totally perplexes's looking great so's hoping you get to finish it and get that special art time for yourself...xx

  2. Yeah, digital sort of throws me for a loop, too. I can barely do something on paper much less on the computer.

  3. Nice sea serpent!

  4. Lovely sea serpent ~ you are doing so well with the digital creation ~ hope the weekend work for you to finish what you want to do with this creation ~ ^_^

  5. thanks Christine :)

    Mandy, thanks and yep digital, done in Illustrator.

    Latane, digital is actually easier since the computer does a lot of the work for you :)

    thanks carol :) looking like I will get some time today and almost all day tomorrow :)

    thanks Chris :D

  6. Hi Jennifer,
    Wow that is awesome! It will look lovely on your blog page.


  7. That's beautiful already! I love it!

  8. thanks Norma :D hopefully am able to finish it lol

    thank you Lisa :)

  9. This is really super. Looking great!


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