
Showing posts from August, 2017

Finished Site Dragons

Finally finished the artwork for my site redesign, took long enough. I need to move things a little and add the category images to the inner circles in the body and then start to put the site together which hopefully is the easy part lol

Wordless Wednesday #2


Wordless Wednesday


Falcon #8

Finished most of this wing detail, still need to shade it of course. Darken the underside of the wing a bit too. A close up of the face area. Really need to darken that eye since falcon eyes look pretty much all black. Next unto the fluffy body feathers.

Scribble Picnic-Curly

This weeks Scribble Picnic theme is curly and of course I first thought of a twisted up dragon and then thought of designing an image for the joker card in a deck of cards. I might do some others and then just have to decide how to colour them. Either vector in Illustrator, or I will paint them digitally in Painter. I don't have time to do a whole deck of cards, maybe after Uni. Would love to do a whole set of tarot cards too but once again, probably after Uni lol.

Falcon #7

Some work done on the longer wing feathers. Need to darken that area and the head still, maybe add a bit more feather detail. There are more feathers on the other wing to do, plus some fluffy body feathers to do. I think the next etching is going to be smaller than A3, but then I usually end up working that size again even after thinking never again lol

Music Monday


Weekly Book Wrap Up

The Tomato Thief by Ursula Vernon My rating: 4 of 5 stars Enjoyable short story. I have always liked Ursula's style of writing. Full of fantasy and lore elements and interesting characters. View all my reviews Can read it here for free :)   Jennifer's bookshelf: currently-reading The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge tagged: currently-reading In Cold Blood by Truman Capote tagged: currently-reading War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy tagged: currently-reading Grid Systems in Graphic Design/Raster Systeme Fur Die Visuele Gestaltung by Josef MĆ¼ller-Brockmann tagged: currently-reading Making and Breaking the Grid: A Gr...

Busy Busy Busy

So busy watching Sky so she doesn't jump and hurt herself more, getting time for art is hard. So I am going to have to stop my left handed sketch challenge at #176. A lot longer than I thought I would get, I just don't have the time and will have even less time once uni starts back in 2 weeks. And this means I will have to stop with the Sunday Scribbles, and before its even had a chance to get going. But the dog comes first really and then Uni work and I will be pretty busy with that work. Less projects, but bigger ones to work on. I can still work on an etching as long as I remember to bring the sharp pointy tool with me since I can work on a plate anywhere or time.

Falcon #7

Why did I pick an image with so many feathers? I really like how all the feathers can look, but they take so long lol And of course I wont learn. The next one will probably have more feathers. I do have an idea for framing the actual plates. Without having  a press, I need to do something with the plates so they are not just sitting around until we get around to building a press. But that isn't going to happen for awhile, too much else to be done before that.

Wordless Wednesday #2


Wordless Wednesday


Falcon Update #6

Obviously busy looking after a dog and making sure she doesn't do much, but did manage to get as bit of work done on the wing feathers. I am just putting in the dark and basic shaping of the feathers right now and will then add more shading once the details are finished. Extreme close up of a wing section. Lots of etched lines..,going to go insane.


Ouch and for once its not me with the injury, its Sky. :( And the vet seems pretty sure its a cruciate injury, which really sucks. John set up a few funding campaigns to try to get help, and normally I would not ask, but could people have a look and share the campaigns for me? Any little bit helps us a lot to help her. Sharing helps just as much since the more people see it, the better. She is getting an x-ray today to asses the damage. I took this photo actually just before she hurt herself, so she went from this happy dog to a limping one.  Gofundme campaign Justgiving campaign

Music Monday


Sunday Scribbles

(#174) For todays scribbles, 3 more left hand sketches. I will probably be posting the whole of the week's left handed sketches on the Sunday now, since I go back to Uni in 2 weeks and wont have the time to do them everyday. Seven sketches is a lot to post in one day but I will try to make them small. 174 is a Saddle-billed stork , a big bird it seems. (#175) A tiny finch for this sketch and back to the big birds, an Ostrich for #176.  (#176)