New Ponty Stabby Tool

So John made a new etching tool out of a welding rod, and it is very very pointy (already stabbed myself with it lol) The detail I can get with it is great so decided to try it out on a new etching. These eyes still need work but its a good start.


  1. John is so talented as you are ~ what a team!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. thanks carol, yep its pretty handy having someone around who can work with metal :)

  2. Anonymous12:33 am

    Hey Jennifer!

    Wanted to come by and see what you've been up to and find a post about an etching tool! I'm really excited about what you've done with etching but don't know the process exactly. Will go back through your posts to try to find out more about it!

    Jan/jgibsonartstudio (I can only post on Blogger as Anonymous for some reason so thanks for still allowing anonymous comments!)

    1. Hi, I got both comments, they just are not set to automatically publish, i was getting way too many spam comments usually related to porn

      I keep meaning to make a video about my etching process but I've been too busy with uni to make one, after next week I am free so should get one done soon, but not with something as big as this etching def. will be a smaller plate lol

  3. Anonymous12:52 am

    Jennifer, I commented earlier but it evidently didn't go through. But, there are few Blogs that I can comment on for some reason - the ones that accept Anonymous comments are about the only ones.

    Anyway, your etching work is fabulous and I want to go back through your blog to find out more about it.

    I agree that you and John make a wonderful team if he can turn a welding rod into an etching tool!

    Would love to hear more about your process.

    Jan (jgibsonartstudio)

    1. From John: Its a 2mm tig tungsten (avoid the thoriated ones as they are mildly radioactive though and the dust is not good to breathe in), snapped down to a shorter length, sharpened to a needle point using a bench grinder and used with a 2mm mechanical/clutch pencil as a holder.

  4. Wow! Nice to have a handyman on your team! And the support as well. I’m smiling.


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