Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall.........

and had a huge ass fall :/ Got my foot caught up in my shoelaces, and went down with a thud. I probably swore, but really don't remember much but crying and trying to stop Sky from licking my face :p Landed on my left knee pretty hard, and jarred everything else. Its hurts to do anything :/ Sitting and drawing for a long time is out, as my back seizes up.
This was right after it happened, and now 2 days later its a nice purple and red colour. (hmmm need to shave my legs lol)
I have done a bit on the owl, but not much. If I get the house cleaned this weekend, I should be able to work on this more. I would love to find a nice frame for it and then possibly try to enter it in some shows, but I need to finish the thing first :p


  1. I swear, you are my long lost twin sister! Hope your aches heal up fast.

    The owl's coming along nicely!

  2. OUCH!! You poor thing....I hope you recover quickly.

  3. Oh so sorry to hear you had a great fall! :( Hope you get better really soon. On another note the Owl is looking really nice.
    Sending healing hugs

  4. Ow, I feel your pain, I am a faller overer too. Isn't it good to have Puppy First Aid on hand though??
    Nice owl. Really nice owl!!

  5. Ouch! That looks painful.

  6. Oh dear hope it gets better soon and I hope you got that ice pack on it quickly.

  7. Ow,ow, ow! That looks awful, the bruises, of course, not the owl, which is coming along beautifully. Must be difficult to concentrate though with that pain going on.

  8. Give yourself time to heal. I've taken some nasty falls myself. The worse being down steps.

    The owl is looking great!

  9. ohhh no!! get better soon!!

    the owl on the other hand is beauuutttiful :)

  10. thanks everyone for the well wishes :)


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