Guess the Decade?

I'm thinking this is early 70's. This small patch of old wallpaper is surrounded by this ugly pink wallpaper, which is coming down. The plan is for this colour to replace it, but since the pink wallpaper is that horrible plastic foam wallpaper that takes forever to get off the wall (there is a lot of cursing involved with taking this paper off, but it is fun to attack with a knife :p), it might be awhile before the painting is finished.
Since I was ill the last few days, and couldn't make it to my painting class, I decided to do what we were going to do in class, at home. Using out left hand and charcoal. Now I remember why I don't use charcoal more. It gets everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I can tell what it is, but that is probably because I have the image in my head.
And a few 5 minute ink sketches of some horse heads :) I will cry when my ink pens die. I really will :/


  1. Can you not buy some more ink pens???
    Yep, that looks 70s to me, and the new colour is far superior.

  2. If I save up my pennies I could get more pens, but sadly not the cheapest :/ and food is more important lol

  3. Had a great time catching up with you. I love those sketches. I always think that horses are the best animals to sketch or paint.
    Hope you are feeling better today.

  4. Love the horsies! When I use charcoal I end up blowing it out of my nose when I'm done. (With a kleenex of course!)

  5. You are amazing with the ink! What pens do you use?

    That wallpaper is older than the 70's I think!

  6. Jennifer,

    I think the paper is from the 70's!
    I like the new color.
    Love the sketches!

  7. Looks like 70's to me but a kind of 50's revival they went through back then! The horses have a lot of movement, like Michelle I am wondering what pens you use for the oen ones?

  8. thanks shashi :)

    sandi, its a pain in the butt having to blow my nose all the time using charcoal lol

    thanks michelle :) they are just faber-castell pitt pens but i love them. they work great for me :)

    hugs norma :)

    chrissy, i thought it might be earlier too, but since the house was built in '69 it couldn't be. but yes, could be a copy of older paper, unless they had a stash hidden somewhere lol The pens are Faber-castell pitt pens in different sizes


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