(not my photo, will remove if asked) Had an appointment today with a neurologist, and 2 (training?) doctors, I'm always asked if its OK for the junior docs to be in the room. Um, no :p How are they supposed to learn if they don't see first hand what goes on? Never understood the people that say no, since the junior docs generally just observe and ask questions, and will probably have to treat you in the future. Anyway, I need to have another MRI since its been a few years since the last one. If there is no change, great, if there is then there are new drugs now that I can maybe take to try to lessen the damage. Either different injectable meds, or there are a few daily pills that are a possibility. Really hate MRIs. Claustrophobia doesn't really click in, (close my eyes and try not to think of anything), its just really loud in that metal tube :p Lots of loud banging that music no matter how loud doesn't drown out. I asked for a copy of my own MRI, so when I ...