
Showing posts from October, 2016

Inktober #31

All done, yay! Well, I'm done for Inktober. And good timing since my hand is acting all numb and hard to control. Hopefully its better tomorrow because I have a bunch of comic work to do *crosses fingers*

Music Monday


Inktober #30

One more day for Inkober, 84 days for my 365 challenge lol

Inktober #29

The pepper shaker on the table at Pizza Hut tonight. No, I didn't sketch this there, I will admit I took a photo and then drew it, so technically I broke my own rule to draw from life for my 365 art challenge but I made the rule so can break it lol

Weekly Book Wrap Up

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb My rating: 3 of 5 stars Typical fantasy fare, but I find this more character driven than some fantasy. Enjoyed it more than the first one since you have already been introduced to most of the featured characters. Yes, there are a few slow points but overall the story flows and doesn't get bogged down by too much unneeded detail. More of Nighteyes! You're All Just Jealous of My Jetpack by Tom Gauld My rating: 2 of 5 stars I really liked some of these quick little comics, very witty and made me laugh out loud. But on the whole I found the collection a bit boring, and not because I didn't understand them, mostly because I thought many of them were trying too hard to come off witty and clever, so I think they fail at being clever. Currently reading: The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge tagged: currently-reading ...

Inkober #28

Todays sketch is of a large reel of thread for the sewing machines. I should sketch the machine actually for one day, there are 3 to draw lol And the line art for a horse's eye that I am hoping to do in coloured pencil. The sketch is about 5 inches square so should be able to find the time to work on it. I just really feel like drawing an animal at the moment.

Graphic Novel Module #2

Pg 1,2 These are the bigger thumbnails for my comic. No big amounts of text, just rough placement for the text boxes. This is probably going to be very dark looking since it takes place at night but I haven't made a final decision on what medium I am going to use to colour the pages. Pg 3,4   Pg 5,6 I did have smaller thumbnails done already but it was kind of hard to follow what was going on. In some of these panels without text it can still be a little hard to know what is happening, but there isn't a lot of text in the story, I am trying to focus more on the art side to tell the story. It will either work, or it wont lol Pg 7,8

Inktober #25,26,27

I have been so busy with Uni I haven't had time to post [or read blogs either :( ], but one project is pretty much done and dusted, another project is on schedule, the comic module needs a lot of work done on it this weekend, and we get another project on Monday that is due about a month from now. Plus doing my own work. I have managed to sketch everyday and now can post the really scratchy looking sketches. A fuse insulator, an Apple computer mouse, (which looks so oddly shaped but they do look like that), and the dog's slicker brush, which reminds me that she really needs a brushing lol Now, back to work.

Wordless Wednesday #2


Wordless Wednesday


Inktober #23 & #24

A sundae glass and a tealight Halloween pumpkin for todays sketch, Have a lovely nice bruise in the inside of my elbow from getting  blood drawn to see if the MS meds I am on are not killing me lol No, not really killing, me but it is to check if the meds are not messing me up.

Music Monday


Inktober Day 22

A little duckling. One of a pair of I think a salt and pepper set the inlaws have. I'm running out of things to draw here, so have taken to drawing things from other people's houses lol

Weekly Book Review

A User Guide to the Creative Mind by Dave Birss My rating: 3 of 5 stars Quick,easy to read. If you are really stuck for an idea it might help you. The author talks about spending a lot of time thinking and talking in the pub, so might appeal to some people :p (or turn you into an alcoholic lol) Dockwood by Jon McNaught not much to the plot, but visually it is nice to look at :) I think because the lack of an eventful plot, and the simple art style, you end up with a greater small to The Arrival by Shaun Tan My rating: 4 of 5 stars The art in this book is beautiful. There is no text, so you focus more on the art, which tells the story. I honestly didn't notice the lack of text, the art is just so mesmerizing. I can't imagine how long it took to create this, def a labour of love. Recommended if you want to try a different sort of comic/graphic novel. Currently reading: The Lie Tree ...