Flying Fur and Fruit

I really didn't do anything today worth blogging about. Read some more of the book that I am reading "Mister B. Gone by Clive Barker", which I am really enjoying reading. Cut out some white furry fabric (inhaling a lot of it and getting it in my eyes. It sticks to everything), and cutting out paper for art cards because I didn't have any white cards to draw on. Just took a chunk of skin off my knuckle (TMI?) *goes to get band-aid*

I spilt some salt, isn't that bad luck. My dad throws salt over his shoulder, I think its the only superstitious (yay I spelt it without having to use a dictionary ;p) things that he does.

The photos above and below are of Fruit Pastilles. I want to do a drawing similar to the gumballs that I drew last year so need to figure out the best arrangement and figured I would see what people think. The last 2 are pretty much the same but the candy that is on the mirror is a little different. The subjects in the photos are long gone, but its not hard for me to get more if I need to take some more pictures. So which photo would you choose, or how should I arrange the candy on the mirror? I personally like the top one and the bottom one. :)


  1. Anonymous11:07 pm

    I throw salt over my left shoulder when I spill it too! What else..

    Never leave your keys on the table = less money will be coming in.

    Don't whistle in the house = you're inviting spirits to come in

    When someone is shaking your hand or handing you something and theres a doorway between you two, have him step into the house or you step outside with him because it's bad luck otherwise.

    If you already left your house to go somewhere and forgot something home, when you come back inside to get it, make sure to glace at yourself in a mirror.

    I better stop here. I have a ton of them.

    Btw, while you're figuring out your candy arrangement, can I have some? :)

  2. (I just read the comment above me...crap, my husband and I leave our keys on the table every single day! Maybe that's the problem, lol)

    I like the picture on the bottom, the candies are arranged best in that one, I think! Looks yummy too :)

  3. Anonymous1:43 am

    I like the bottom one! If you don't use that one, I could use a snack!

  4. My favourite is the top one! I love your Gumball one.
    Look foward to seeing how this turns out!

    What shop did you get those fruit pastilles from? They look a lot bigger than how I remember!

  5. thanks tanya for all of those! Never heard about the whistling one, must tell hubby to stop whistling than! Sure I have a lot of candy to spare lol.

    thanks melody :) hang your keys up?

    soandsewcrafty I've got fruit pastilles, sour fish, wine gums, sour wine gums, sour gumballs, roses chocolate, I'm sure I am forgetting something lol (I get yelled at by my dentist because I eat so much sugar)

    thanks dd. I bought the bag at tescos. They are about a centimetre long, where they smaller? I think its the camera angle making them look bigger.

    so that is one for the top picture and 2 for the bottom :) thanks

  6. My condolences on the spilled salt. Here's nother one for you:
    If you drop a fork on the floor (by accident, not on purpose) it means that someone is coming to visit you.

    I'm going to vote for the middle one and the bottom one. They're similar but both have interesting angles to them, either way you've got a nice shot there.

    Can't wait to see the end result! :)

  7. thanks rita:)
    I'm glad you said the fork is dropped by accident. I could see some people (me) tossing forks on the floor and wondering why the doorbell wasn't ringing ;p

  8. Anonymous3:09 pm

    I, too, like the top and bottom ones. This is going to make a great drawing!!
    Not the least superstitious *crossed fingers*

  9. Anonymous7:49 pm

    OMG! the blog looks great. I visited this morning, and now it's all...different! I LOVE IT!!

  10. thanks Leslie :)
    I'm not really superstitious, use to think it was funny walking under ladders on purpose and having the really superstitious people freak out ;p

    so its a tie between the first one and the bottom one...
    (just finished reading the email)

  11. Hi! I like the first one :)
    Well done on getting 3 columns, it's hard work!! But it looks great :D


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