About time as well. I love snow, but enough was enough. It is so nice to finally see the flowers popping up (even if these are the neighbours :p), would have loved to get video of Sky in deeper snow tho. She loved it when it snowed last time, and that was less then an inch. Can't image what she would do if there was 5 inches on the ground, snow dog? Hook a sled up to her? :p And a puppy tooth. Which explains why I caught her knawing on one of my pencils :/ The last vestiges of snow in the mountains (*curses the tree in the way*). Pretty soon there will be green everywhere and we will be praying for the return of the cold weather. I always do that. Sick of the hot weather by the middle of summer, hoping for snow soon and then by February I am hoping for the sun to come back. Online friend Ingrid sent me this lovely book, with images printed from her Art Cards. It is a great example of her art, with lots of great imagery :D And Chrissy sent me a copy of her booklet (if only H...