So this year I managed to read 87 book, 7 more than my goal so going to up the goal or next year to 90 and see if I can read that much :) Diamond Dogs by Alastair Reynolds My rating: 3 of 5 stars Short and predictable, but there was enough suspense to keep me reading :) Vicious by V.E. Schwab My rating: 4 of 5 stars Who wouldn't want a superpower?? Would love to fly, save on air ticket prices :p (The near death experience would suck tho, since according to the story I would probably have to get tossed off a building and wish I could fly :p) Entertaining to the end, would love a sequel (and I don't say that a lot). Blankets by Craig Thompson My rating: 2 of 5 stars A case of good drawings, but the story was very meh :p I don't know, don't get the hype behind this book but kudos for the drawings. He can draw a nice book,, but the stories always seem like an after thought and with comics the story and art really have to blend together. Saga, Volu...