transcript Originally uploaded by fuzzydragons Its a miracle I got a high school diploma sometimes lol Not that I'm daft (well maybe with math :p), but after 3 high schools, you get really sick of school. And because school works differently between provinces, I had to redo some courses, and some courses that I had already done, did not count towards a diploma in the different province. So in reality I had to redo a whole year of school, which really made me hate studying :/ But I did take all the art courses I could, some more then once. And was often left alone to do what I wanted in those classes, which was great. And I was always encouraged to go to College or Uni for art (and I would have loved to go here , but not much chance of that happening now :( ). It is funny seeing these marks tho. On the one hand, they are better then I thought they were, but on the other, they are not really that good :p But no way in hell would I want to go back and redo them. You could not pay me ...