When I lost almost all the feeling in my hands a few weeks ago for some odd reason I had more feeling in my left hand, enough control that I wasn't dropping a pencil every 2 seconds. One of the teachers said draw with your left then. And while I still need practice with my left, it does show its possible for me to draw with my left hand and improve quickly with it. (I know I've posted one of these before but not sure if I posted them all) This was the first try and the one that the teacher liked the most and the one I like the least :p The second attempt and third which is my favourite :) And the fourth. All drawn in about half an hour. I want to keep practising with my left just in case something ever happens with my right hand, you never know what might happen, and it does make me pretty happy that I can at least sketch with my left now :) Now if only I still had that extra finger on my left, could help to hold pencils lol And more snow on the ground, just too cold to take pi...